Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Beginning

Some people may wonder why I have decided to start another blog. The answer is this: the other blog is a family-friendly blog, intended to update family (and friends) that are out of state on the things going on in our life. That blog is not appropriate for the ranting and venting that I intend to use this one for.
I'm hoping that this blog will be entertaining to some people, though I have a feeling that it will become mundane after a while (or perhaps immediately).

For any....uh... strangers that may be lurking out there, here is a brief history of myself:
I am Aliza. I have have given myself the nickname "Von Burglarstein", which comes from the Japanese animation Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok. I am studying History, with a minor in medieval studies. I am married to Nicko and we have a wonderful little monster named Logan.
I love all of my family, but they also drive me nuts. I am currently battling PCOS plus insulin resistance and postpartum depression. I am Woman, hear me roar.... or something like that.