Saturday, June 11, 2011

Reading List: Part I

Summer is finally upon us, which means I get to spend every blissful free second reading. You know, that time when I'm not playing mommy, wife, maid, dog trainer, interior designer, or cook. Thankfully I've decided to start the whole she-bang with quick reads, i.e. The Dresden Files. If you're one of the millions of people who never got to catch the short-lived ScyFy channel series about the uber-studly Harry Dresden, here's a short summary:
Harry Dresden is Chicago's only wizard to be listed in a phone book. He's a private investigator who carries around a big stick (which, in the TV show is a hockey stick) and kicks some major evil behind. He's also incredibly hilarious. And sexy- I can't seem emphasize that enough. For a better summary, go here.
Nick got me hooked on the series (which really shouldn't have gotten canceled, but then again, most series on ScyFy don't last long since nobody watches that channel, even though they should) and sometime last year we started reading the books. I, of course, had to put them off beacuse of school so as soon as Nick finished them, he let me steal his Kindle (TDF is one of the books that Amazon won't let you share w/ other Kindle users). There are 12 books so far and I'm just finishing up number 9. It's been two weeks and I've been unpacking, cleaning, organizing, and painting. They're just that good.
What I like the most about this book is that its fantasy set in the modern world. Don't get me wrong, I love the medieval fantasy as much as the next geek, but I also love Chicago. This book is also geared for an adult audience. I love me some YA, but there is only so much teenage angst I can handle before I tear out my hair and light up 20 cigarettes (at once). These books are laugh-out-loud-even-in-a-crowded-place funny. Example: "'My mouth is partially paralyzed," [Harry] said. "It makes it hard for me to read. He's* here to help me with the big words. Tell me if I'm supposed to push or pull on doors, that kind of thing." *Harry's dog. (Harry was just being an ass when he said this, yet another reason why I love him.)

So after I finish the remaining three books and the collection of short stories that follow, I will kill time waiting for the new one to come out by reading the following:
- Dead Reckoning, Charlaine Harris (book 11 of the Sookie Stackhouse series- that's True Blood in case you didn't already know that)
- A Dance with Dragons, George R.R. Martin (book 5 of the Song of Ice and Fire series, which doesn't come out until July)
- The Luxe series
- The Scarlet Pimpernell (finally, I've had it on my Kindle for almost a year now)
- As many Alexander Dumas books I can squeeze in. I'm a die-hard Dumas fan and now that I have most of them on my Kindle, maybe my copy of The Count of Monte Cristo will keep its remaining pages.

So far, that's all I've got, but I am open for suggestions. It's going to be a long summer.