I don't usually do resolutions because there are only so many years you can say "this year I resolve to lose weight" and then fail before just giving up on the whole she-bang, but this year I'm going to give it a shot
I still want (really need) to lose weight, but that's not my resolution. For 2011, I resolve to take my stupid pills. That means daily and the full dosage. Both of them. It's time that I get both the PCOS and PPD under control.
I hate the metformin-- it tastes like how I imagine fruit-flavored bubble gum from the underside of a chair would taste-- and it means that I have to diet or I'll get sick. So good-bye greasy, fatty, and possibly carby foods that I love so much! The plus: by stabilizing my hormone levels, I will lose weight.
I also hate having to take anti-depressants. Really, I feel that taking them means admitting that I'm not as super-happy as I try to make people believe I am. The truth is that I'm happy, but not nearly as happy I could be and it effects the people around me.
My goal for 2011 (since it's not really a resolution... or maybe it could be, but I'm calling it a "goal" instead):
To finally make my children's book on Norse mythology. I just have to sit down and do it. I'm not sure if I will just go with some one the better translations of the Norse poems I already have or translate myself yet, but I'm determined to actually do it. Now I just have to decide which poems/myths to choose.... and start drawing. As I create, I will post on here, though I will not post text or actual pictures incase I decide to try to get published.
Good luck to those making resolutions!