Sunday, January 30, 2011

Apple Pucker's Surly Older Brother

Just in case you didn't know, my husband brews beer. Great beer. Wanting to branch out a little bit, he (with my constant urging) decided to brew some apple cider. Thankfully, my mom lent us her fancy apple-peeler that made our work much easier-- yes, our work. Nick usually brews on his own (I just enjoy the end result) but I helped this time (i.e. I cut the 15 pounds of peeled apples into quarters and tossed them in the giant pot. Very helpful.) No matter how hard we worked, what could possibly be better that homemade organic apple cider? Nothing, right?
Brewing day. Even the Monster was excited!**

We were wrong. So, so wrong!

Instead of getting yummy apple cider we got apple liquor. Hard ass, super sour liquor. Think Puckers, only thicker... and surlier. One big swig (remember, I was expecting cider) and I'm buzzed. Words cannot begin to describe my disappointment.
Here's a picture of the four bottles of DOOM! Yeah... 15 lbs of apples and all we got were four stupid bottles.

** Sorry about the giant picture, I stole if from Facebook.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Time to Celebrate!

The hubs and I just completed our second "Fit Test" with our amazing trainer.
I've only lost 2 pounds since November, but...

I've lost half an inch just about everywhere
I've lost 14% body fat
I am slightly more flexible in my hips
I cut my mile by five minutes... and I haven't run at all since the first test! (I work out on the elliptical.)

I'm so excited! I'm still wearing the same size and my goal is still a long way off, but seeing actual results have totally made my week!

Of course the Taco Bell burritos I just ate probably undid the weight part, but they were yummy.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I don't usually do resolutions because there are only so many years you can say "this year I resolve to lose weight" and then fail before just giving up on the whole she-bang, but this year I'm going to give it a shot again.

I still want (really need) to lose weight, but that's not my resolution. For 2011, I resolve to take my stupid pills. That means daily and the full dosage. Both of them. It's time that I get both the PCOS and PPD under control.
I hate the metformin-- it tastes like how I imagine fruit-flavored bubble gum from the underside of a chair would taste-- and it means that I have to diet or I'll get sick. So good-bye greasy, fatty, and possibly carby foods that I love so much! The plus: by stabilizing my hormone levels, I will lose weight.
I also hate having to take anti-depressants. Really, I feel that taking them means admitting that I'm not as super-happy as I try to make people believe I am. The truth is that I'm happy, but not nearly as happy I could be and it effects the people around me.

My goal for 2011 (since it's not really a resolution... or maybe it could be, but I'm calling it a "goal" instead):
To finally make my children's book on Norse mythology. I just have to sit down and do it. I'm not sure if I will just go with some one the better translations of the Norse poems I already have or translate myself yet, but I'm determined to actually do it. Now I just have to decide which poems/myths to choose.... and start drawing. As I create, I will post on here, though I will not post text or actual pictures incase I decide to try to get published.

Good luck to those making resolutions!