Sunday, April 17, 2011

Don't blame me, blame the lack of the yummies.

It has been one year since my precious little monster was born. I'm sad that he is no longer a baby, but I am excited for what toddler-hood has in store for us (and lets be honest, I'm super frightened too- those "terrible twos" are just around the corner!)

I finally decided to do something about all the chub that's been keeping me "warm" for the past year. As of the last time I weighed myself (three days ago? four? two? I can never keep it straight) I weighted eight pounds more than when I gave birth. I've given myself one year for all of it to magically disappear and now it's time to actually do something about it. So I picked up this book.

I am not a fan of detoxing, but this one has you "detox" by cutting out sugars and carbs for the first 17 days and replace it with certain fruits. No starving, no liquid dieting. And I like the sound of that better. The best thing about this diet: it will eventually mean no more insulin resistance for me and hopefully, no more stupid metformin.

I've been "sugar-free" for 3 hours now and I haven't killed anyone, but it's going to be a long day... and a long 16 days after that. But I know that come tomorrow I am going to become a monster the Japanese couldn't even dream of. So forgive me for any bitchiness that will arise. I'm detoxing.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I need to hear how this goes. I've been considering cutting sugar, but I'm scared. Go you and your braveness!
